" The rack detached itself from its
back ground of forest and shore, and it stood forth like a sentinel, erect enduring and
eternal.'' Do you think it stands straight like a man?''he asked.'' yes like a noble
spirited upright warrior ''I replied."
It is a man'', and a warrior man to: a man who fought for everything that is
noble and upright."
Pauline Johnson 1911
This is not a Miracle, if we study European cave art you will learn about the art of
illusion, this is how the old story teller claims the cave was created .IN France there is
a cave were the image of a horses head appears from the shadows of 2 lanterns placed on
two ledges.[see the creative explosion]
The same thing happens here, at 8:30 the sun creates the shadow of a killer
whale, then at 9 p.m. from the fin of the whale a man appears , the man is set on
a granite wall and just before the sun sets, it lights up the wall which is
engraved in such a way as to create shadows. the shadows create a little man , below the
little man is the image of a bearded man's face.
But wait theirs more, as I said the old Indian claimed this place was were the shamans
would go to prey, and they would see an image in the pool. the image in the pool will be
the miniature mountain upside down, so first lets look at the miniature mountain up
side down.
It looks like a temple
with a face to the right.
If we look at the image in the water what we see is another mountain , this one is visible
from in side the cave , and this is a close up of the top of that Mt. again
a pyramid ,light up on the left. if we move slightly to the right knell down on a small
rock out crop and look in the pool , the Pyramid is all we see. [ picture not developed
yet] for years I have waited for a windless solstice day , this year it happened .
At 8:30 there appears to be a shadow identical to the top of the mountain,
then at 9:00pm the pyramid appears to be fully golden.
The elders call this mountain the sleeping lady.
My observation is similar to a story written in 1962.
In the cave I found my self standing in front of the massive sunken statue of the
mountain.with the water lapping at my feet , at 9 p.m. the image of a temple appears
in the pool. by 9:30 every thing returns back to normal.[see Robert graves ""A
journey to paradise" ]